Providing Precision Lubricants and Lubrication Solutions


Textile and Knitting Oil

The requirements for superior performing oil lubricants within the textile, knitting and related industries have unique challenges  including high speed, temperature, load and humidity.  Davley Darmex is pleased to offer a range of products uniquely formulated for these specific applications which enhance performance and prolong service life within severe-need applications including roving, spinning, knitting, weaving and finishing. 
Whenever your textile and knitting machinery is subjected to the extremes of high speed, temperature, humidity or load, these oils will perform to your required specifications.

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Wonderknit XL

• Pure white

• Washable using just water in the case of incidental contact with fabric and fibers

Mineral Based



Did you know?

The Wonderknit Series has a low volatility which helps eliminate misting and fogging and reduces the chance of fabric contamination.

In the case of incidental contact, these oils are formulated to permit the complete removal of potential residues when fabrics are washed in hot water.



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