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Viscosity Equivalency Chart

Viscosity, or the measure of a fluid's resistance to flow, is a common method used to classify oil and is generally measured by passing a standard quantity of fluid through a standard opening at a specified temperature. The more viscous the fluid, the more resistant it is to flow and therefore the longer it will take to pass through the opening.

In general, temperature has an inverse relationship on the viscosity of a fluid. As temperature increases, viscosity decreases. The Viscosity Index (V.I.) of a fluid is one measure used to express the rate of change in the viscosity resulting from a change in temperature. The higher the V.I. value, the less tendency in a fluid to change viscosity with a change in temperature. High V.I. values are generally more desirable for applications where constant viscosity over a wide potential operating temperature range is encountered.
Viscosity for industrial oils is commonly expressed in terms of centistokes (cSt) measured at either 40°C or 100°C (ASTM Method D445 "Kinematic Viscosity") or Saybolt Seconds Universal (SSU or SUS). 

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